Jul 1 – 4, 2024
Gangneung Green City Experience Center, Gangneung, Korea
Asia/Seoul timezone

Travel Information

Travel Directions

1. Incheon/Gimpo Airport to Seoul Station:

From Gimpo Airport to Seoul Station: Gimpo Airport to Seoul Station 

From Incheon Airport to Seoul Station: Incheon Airport to Seoul Station

2. Seoul Station to Gangneung Station: Seoul Station to Gangneung Station

3. Gangneung Station to Gangneung Green City Experience Center: Gangneung Station to Gangneung Green City Experience Center


Message for the Driver

You can show this message to the driver to ensure you reach your destination:

“강릉녹색도시체험센터 체험연수센터 앞까지 가주세요.”

주소: 강원도 강릉시 난설헌로 131