First Name | Last Name | Affiliation |
Chaehyun | Yoon | Soongsil University |
Chaeyun | Lee | SSU |
EUN JA | HA | Hanyang University |
Ghil-Seok | Yang | Hoseo University |
Gilberto | Ramalho | Soongsil University and OMEG Institute |
Hoeheon | Jeong | Soongsil univ, |
Jeong-Yeon | Lee | Soongsil Univerity/OMEG |
Jubin | Park | Soongsil University and OMEG institute |
Jung Keun | Ahn | Korea University |
Ki-Seok | Choi | Korea Aerospace University |
Kim | Jinmyeong | Soongsil University |
Kyoungsu | Heo | Soongsil Univ. |
Kyungsik | Kim | School of Liberal Arts and Science Korea Aerospace University |
Minkyu | Lee | Soongsil University |
Myeong-Hwan | Mun | Kyungpook National University |
MYUNG GI | CHEOUN | Soongsil University |
Sangho | Kim | Soongsil University |
SeongYeon | Kim | Soongsil University |
Seonho | Choi | Seoul National University |
Shin Hyung | Kim | Kyungpook National University |
Tsuyoshi | Miyatsu | Soongsil University |
Young-So | Choi | Soongsil university |
Yusuke | Tanimura | Soongsil University |
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